Tales from the Appalachian Trail of service & sustainability, good people, and the bewildering cycle of life!

November 21, 2011

A shared growth and love for life...

I have been writing and reflecting a lot lately. As Maura and I approach the end of 2011, we are gearing up mentally, and physically, for our experience ahead. It has already been challenging, especially as we continue to progress forward in different physical spaces. Maura in Brevard and I in Boone. One element that gives me a smile, after the challenge has passed, is that this will be inherent in our times ahead.

Already we have received a few comments to the effect that we are biting off more than we can chew. While that statement isn't entirely representative, it illustrates that this task ahead of her and I is going to be arduous. But, such is the responsibility of those that want to make a difference.

Mother says that life ain't easy, and this task, this experience, surely will not be either. One thing that pulls me through, though, is the effect it will potentially have on others; not to mention the affect it will have on me as I grow and learn in life.

As Sir Edumund Hillary once wrote:

"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

This thought, amongst others about betterment of self, will continually echo in the folds and creases of my mind as Maura and I plan for the trail. As we take our message of commitment to leaving spaces better than we found it, we ask that others join too with a level of engagement that is most comfortable to them. Please consider the underlying cause of why we do as we do: to preserve what it is that is beautiful and free: the outdoors.

I look forward to writing more as the time continues to tick down to our departure.


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