Tales from the Appalachian Trail of service & sustainability, good people, and the bewildering cycle of life!

February 29, 2012

We'd like to further thank...

Greetings folks,

We've had a few companies, large and small, step-up to the plate lately. I will give each of those companies a spotlight in the near future, but in the meantime I wanted to send a shout-out to Tom (aka Big Bear) at Ursack for sending us a bear resistant food sack; to George at Clif Bar for his willingness to send us product; and finally to Yolanda at Little Red Wagon Granola for offering to send us scrumptious granola!

In these, not-so-awesome but improving, economic times, I appreciate that these companies are willing to help in some gracious way! (againmore to come each about these companies in the near future)

One final shout-out goes to Laurie at the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. I spoke with her on the phone yesterday and she was more than willing to help guide and frame the rough, big picture outline of Maura and I's service/trash/Leave No Trace thru hiking experience. Thanks Laurie!

Many, many thanks to ya'll out there at home making things come true by believing. Please keep it coming and be sure to pass it along to the gracious supporters of the AT Service Experience!



  1. Glad to hear things are continuing to come together for your trip, friend!

  2. Thanks friend for your positive nugget of support! :) I'll be glad to keep in touch with you (through social media or phone) once we are trail-bound.

  3. Great pic..wonder who took it?? (well, if it's the weekend I'm thinking of). So excited for you both and hoping to learn a lot so Marshall and I can do the same next year!!
